Morning sunshine at -6C

Preoccupied with keeping the birds supplied.  They like these suet coconut halves; one lasts about a day. This was the first sign of sunshine for several days - but it didn’t make things any warmer.  Next I cleaned our their water bowl, and filled it with slightly warmed water, hoping it would last a few hours.
I had been expecting the plumber at 7.30am to fix back my kitchen radiator.  Looking forward to it in fact, as it was 4C in the kitchen.  But when he still hadn’t been by 11.30 I went out for lunch with a friend. While we were eating he rang from A and E at Southmead - had injured his hand at work and needed stitches.  Poor guy - but lucky it wasn’t worse, according to the doctor.  He thinks he’ll be able to come and do it tomorrow - seems self-employed people don’t take time off on sick leave.  I think I would have taken a day off at least.  

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