Raffle winner!

The final market of the year! It was a truly freezing morning, -8 at Arnside and snow lying on the roads. Remarkably, our faithful regulars made it in, and most of my baking went. 
We drew our Christmas raffle at the end, and Pat was the lucky winner! She couldn’t come to collect her prize as her car was snowed in so I heroically delivered it to her, the last bit on foot! She was delighted so that made her day.
It was my weaving workshop in the afternoon over at Sedbergh. Fortunately conditions around us are less severe and I made that journey ok. It was lovely to do something so absorbing for a while and my little project made some progress.
Then home to a welcome fire and sit down.
Tomorrow preparations for family arriving begin, and I may get the Christmas cake decorated, with luck.

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