Christmas camping

It’s ironic, given the last week, but it was time for me and Hannahs Christmas camping trip. We arrived at the campsite in perfect timing within one minute of each other, got the vans set up and went for a beautiful stomp along the river. We saw countless birds including a kingfisher, robins and what I decided was a heron flying. Do herons fly? I’m not good with birds. Also many dogs out in their walk. We had a picnic of queens - a sausage roll and brandy hot chocolate.

Then to the pub, next to the fire for red wine and a slap up lunch. Back to the campsite for about 5 and this is where winter camping goes a bit mad - if you had told me it was 9pm I would have believed you. As a nod to the minus 5 temperature, for the first time ever we didn’t sit out, instead set ourselves up in Hannah’s van with mulled wine, crisps and backgammon. An excellent day, my heater is now at full pelt and my van all bedtime toasty.

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