Return to the North

By Viking


No sleep for the wicked - I must have been seriously wicked this year!!! :-(

Actually wasn’t that early at this time of year (7.30am ish) but the view as ever is out the landing window

Not much to report today. The car went in for a service yesterday and they messed around with the automatic handbrake button (I.e. unbeknownst to me they had switched it off!!) so when I came home last night the car rolled and hit the fence on the drive! Couldn’t see in the dark whether there was any damage so had to go out this morning to check! Thankfully no visible damage!!
This afternoon popped in to see my elderly aunt who has some bruised ribs after another fall!
And now sat watching the match for third place between Morocco and Croatia (already more exciting than most matches in the WC so far)

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