Daily Wild

By emyjane

Nature's network

Best viewed *larger*

Nature's network - how they are joined together in one seed head & how the wind blows them off the stem, it's certainly a form of networking, especially if a seed head lands on you or a bird or your pet & travels for miles before it falls off - I find it all fascinating, the way nature travels right under our very noses & we simply don't notice it.

And Larry? He doesn't travel far...

Larry watch

Back to the strong winds, the grey & the cold again - not good photography weather - but more choice then a month ago, even in the cloud. Totally shattered today - but managed almost 2 hours in the gym today, since finding my *free* parking space - at friends - I don't have to worry about time, money or ticket & gym is far more relaxing - all thanks to my lovely friends, good friends are simply the best :) xxx

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