
By Sn2

Special Treat

I have a thing about gadgets that filter. Specifically: cleaning and emptying said gadget of whatever they're supposed to catch.

I'm a little odd, apparently. But I don't think so myself. Take last week at a trivia quizz night, for instance. I had to come up with a trivia question in response to all the Aussie sports questions and celebrity rubbish. But it turned out nobody knew the wheel arrangement of Thomas the Tank Engine. I was gutted. But surely....

I digress.

Last Winter I found Nirvana in our new dehumidifier, which faithfully coaxes all that dampness out of our house, making it comfy and warm. I got home to find that
a) the dehumidifier trough was full. Or should I say FULL
b) The Lovely Ange had noted such when she got home and turned it off but
c) she had not emptied it!!!
d) Which led me to realise that again...
e) I am a lucky guy

The thrill of emptying 5.66 litres (I weighed it to be sure just how much water we had got) was the highlight of my day. My week, in fact. And it's been a good week!


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