Snowy walk

I want it to be gone now.  I know it’s pretty and with a blue sky reminds me of skiing but it’s cold and I’m not a winter person.

We did a long walk then home for egg on toast and cups of tea to warm up.  OH took a call from MIL who had a fall yesterday and was bruised and shaken.  He was going to watch football so said he would call around tomorrow.  I did some cooking for the freezer for when the family are home and then called round to see MIL.  She seemed ok but like me, fed up with the weather.  I had other jobs on my list but they can wait for tomorrow.  Called into the charity shop and got some new books to read and a cream throw (new) for my feet.  Acceptable Saturday.

Today would have been my own Mum’s birthday and she would have been 86 but sadly died when she was 63.  Reflective today and sharing photos with my siblings.  Will post one tomorrow. 

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