Running in the snow

I felt so cold this morning I thought I should go for a walk to warm up, though with leaden skies, snow threatening and a biting wind that didn’t really work. I took the track through the woods to the carriage drive and found that Scottish Woodlands had finally cleared the obstacle course left a year ago by Storm Arwen. Not only that, they’d cut down a substantial part of the wood, which would give a view over to Cragside, had a dared venture over the rough ground to have a look down. I was about to post a photo I took up there when Mr C airdropped me some of Ella and Nathaniel at the same spot yesterday.

On reaching the moor I found the going hard as it was sheet ice in places so I didn’t go as far as I’d hoped, managing only 3.5 miles. (I have about 28 miles left to do of my 1000 mile challenge).

We have lit the fire and I’m reading a book group book called “Rough Music” by Patrick Gale. It’s an easy read and a bit annoying as one of the characters seems to have changed his name. No doubt I’ll find out eventually as the narrative goes back and forth from childhood to adulthood. It was annoying as I thought he must be a younger sibling of the first boy.

I have found my thermal top and longjohns to try to be warmer in bed. I last needed them when camping in the Baltoro Glacier en route for K2.

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