
Sunday, 09:53 - second breakfast. 

The cafe at the farm shop was still quiet when I had finished my shopping, so I took the time to take the time and went in for a coffee and scone. As I had hoped, the scone was still warm from the oven. 

The stove was burning cheerily to compensate for the -1ºc outside. That is not a trick of the camera in my Blip - the scone was massive. 

All good. A pleasant start to the new week. 

I did have it in mind to go to the park this afternoon to get the exercise I missed out on yesterday, but it snowed a little just at the time I was about to get ready. Tomorrow will do. 

The snow stopped very soon after I made my decision. 

Apart from some gentle housework to keep the place looking reasonably presentable, I am having a proper Sunday focussed on being lazy and staying warm.  

My plans for next weekend seem to be falling into place. I wonder what impact the weather will have? Time will tell. 

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