Live Laugh Lick

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Back into the office today. It was a pretty quiet day and I got to do things I like to do - look at data models and pull them apart. 

Look, I'm not proud. It's a thing. 

Briar messaged me all day, which was nearly almost sort of not quite as good as sitting with her at Kainga Ora. It was nice. 

She also arranged to go for ice-cream with Jess, so I caught up with them both at Kaffe Eis on the waterfront. It was a lovely day and Jess greeted me with a hearty "SSSSYYYYYMOOOON!!"

"You're actually the SECOND person I did that to," she admitted. "The first guy got a hell of a fright before I realised it wasn't you."

It was nice to catch up with the pair for about 30 minutes. We joked about them getting me back on Jess's team, but we know it's just jokes. I walked them all the way back to Kainga Ora and left them regretfully.

I miss my people. 

But it's not like Kiwibank is hard or stressful or that bad. I had a relatively easy afternoon going "pshaw" at the data model. Then went home and got picked up and driven around by my lovely wife at the end of the day. 

I don't really have too much to complain about. I shall continue to live, laugh and lick.


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