
By nicky

Night night

Bit late blipping today. Have been trying to work on my dissertation today, but haven't made as much progress as I would have liked. Very frustrating - I hope I get on better tomorrow or I'll start panicking.

So I'm rather late blipping today and have obviously missed any sunlight, so Paul helped out by shining a light from his mobile to illuminate the flower so I could try and get a good shot. Quite a few came out blurred, but this one has worked ok, although the colour seems to have faded a bit. Probably because I still had the white balance on cloudy. We were too busy trying to work out how to do a long exposure and forgot about the white balance. Anyway, its a different view to normal. No doubt, it'll be back to daylight tomorrow - if I get my act together in time. There's never enough hours in the day.

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