
It was certainly a lot warmer on the way to work this morning, if wetter, and windier. Even the office was an acceptable (just) temperature. There's been a company wide cost cutting initiative to turn the heating down which was implemented last week...the coldest week for however many years! There's been quite a lot of feedback.

Sadly the gym had a leak so some areas, including the main stairs, were cordoned off today. It made for some extra fun getting from one side of the warren it is to another (is the basement of an old armoury, lots of small rooms with very thick walls). I'm glad I didn't go this morning as the showers are out of action too. Hopefully that part is fixed tomorrow as I want to go out tomorrow evening.

Thinking of MoFW today, stuck in hospital with the littlest one for a third night. He's a poorly bubba, thankfully in the right place. X

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