Granny Duties.

Was on Granny duties this morning while Mummy and Daddy worked. Weirdly, Woody was at school, while Franky was already on his second day of the holidays. Louis wasn't in nursery either.

Something quite relaxing about sitting on the floor, sorting through lego bits and creating 'things'.

Headed off into our gridlocked local town to have J's car cleaned. It's a. real workhorse and has been transferring so much rubbish - garden waste, hardcore (19 bags of it in one session) various plumbing pipes, the list goes on! When the Guy opened the back, he just looked at me and pointed in astonishment. I quickly told him it was my husbands car!

Then into Tesco for some last minute bits to take up to Hayley's. It was rammed in there too, and the. petrol station had run out of unleaded petrol. This I only found out about after queuing for sometime!

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