Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Boss Lady

These medium sized woodpeckers always rule the feeders - even the blue jays back off when the red bellied woodpeckers show up.  Generally, these woodpeckers aren't quite as tolerant of me being outside so it was a pleasant surprise when she showed up not to far from where I was huddled.  And a good thing too, as I didn't last for long in the cold!

I've had a very busy/productive day which included a Lyme test, two ultrasounds, bank, pharmacy and walking the dog.  And the day isn't over because this evening both cats are going to the vet for their annual exams. Which won't be fun for anyone.  

Dinner with our friends last night was exactly what I needed and I felt much better for having gotten out.  Not to mention that the company was great!

Dark with ganache today.


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