Doing the right thing?

Went for a walk in our local parkthis evening - to get out of the house and have a walk as my head was pounding and it had cooled off nicely here.

I had a lovely chat with a scottish lady with the most beautiful doggy who was ambling along beside here. Then our chat was spoiled by the arrival of two youths on off-road bikes (not road legal - no number plates) - these two youths then proceeded to razz across the field/park, repeatedly, engines revving high, belching out exhaust fumes, neither wearing helmets, and neither of them paying any heed to the joggers, walkers, dogs, children or anyone else, as they pulled wheelies, rampaged around and just proved what a pair of prize idiots they were. They stopped briefly to have a chat with a hooded chav who arrived with a small child (who's head was shaven in the style of a 70's skinhead) - then the small child was placed on one of the bikes in front of one, pulling wheelies and polluting the atmosphere with noise and exhaust - whilst the child was on the bike!!!! (see the link above to see the numpties in question)

Too many of my photos of the lovely park and interesting sky were spoiled by high speed flashes across the shot - so I resorted to taking photos of the silly buggers instead.

Then I came home. And yes - I DID do the right thing - and was thanked and advised that a patrol car was in the area and would drop by. I'm sure that they will have scarpered ...but I felt better for at least doing the right thing....James could have been on that park and he wouldn't have stood a chance if he had.

There's been a suggestion that I send the photos to the police!

So the bin was my best photo really - and this is where I would have loved to have put these bloody anti-social idiots.

On a side note - Dad you'll like this - a brief moment of panic occurred earlier when I was getting documents together to go to the registrars office tomorrow to give notice of marriage - I couldn't find my Decree Absolute from my divorce....turned the attic upside down...found it in my file box in my office, just in the wrong compartment. Phew!!!

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