After A went off to work I had a couple of calls todo then dashed down to town to take back one of the outfits A had bought yesterday and change another present I’d bought earlier, then back and rather slowly bumbled around with various bits, baking and laundry etc. Can’t quite work out what I need to do this week…am I frantically busy or mainly sorted?! Keep starting lists but I can’t seem to get my head in gear.
A home and we had supper then she made buttercream and started decorating the cupcakes (chocolate log and mince pie flavours) to take for her bring and share Christmas lunch at work tomorrow. I’d completely forgotten she’d said she was staying tonight too…bit strange to have literally no recollection! Phoned K whilst we worked on the icing…she’s had flu and sounded terrible but is at least on the mend now. Glad I had my flu shot!
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