Little bit sweet, little bit mental
My Christmas spirit is starting to disappear.
They took the jedi off his drip about 7am to see how he would get on. His dad came and sat with him while I went for my tattoo. A harlequin for Harper. A little bit sweet and a little bit mental and headstrong like her.
While I was on my way back to the hospital the school called and said that Lincoln was poorly, he was as white as a sheet and was upset. He feels sick and awful . I have no idea how he has managed to pick up another bug since he has only been put the house for 2 days.
My mil went and picked him up as Mr R was going to see Harper in her nativity play. She filled in for Mary at short notice. I was gutted I couldn't go and see it and I'm gutted I cannot be there for Lincoln.
The doctor's have not long been in to speak about Carson. He came down with another high temp and he hasn't drank anything. Doesn't want a fruit shoot, a ice lolly, nothing. He won't take anything. So they're putting him back on the drip. They said we could try again with him tomorrow but if he doesn't start drinking then we could be in here for ages. I didn't think we would be here after 5days . We've been the longest in the ward and another 6 kids left for home today. I feel deflated and tired and had a wee cry outside. It's so difficult being split away from the wildlings. Mr R is doing amazing and still trying to work from home. He needs to put some laundry on though as he hasn't done one load .
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