Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Napping in a Nutshell

I know I've blipped this before, but it was perfect for the Tiny Tuesday theme, so here it is again. :-)  My friend, Marie, made this for us when we were in high school.  PD and I were dating, and he had a Christmas tree but no decorations.  Several of us went to his house to make decorations.  This one has stood the test of time.  It is our oldest decoration.  Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting Tiny Tuesdays in December!

We're battening down the hatches in preparation for the Polar Vortex that will be here tomorrow afternoon.  I'm not sure how much snow we'll get but it's going to be VERY cold.  In 8 hours tomorrow, our temperature will drop about 60 degrees to several degrees below zero (F).  

I am grateful to PD for chopping kindling and filling the wood box inside so we won't have to turn up the heat!

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