Post-Apocalyptic Rural Visions

All I can say about this photo is that we were driving in the car, and my husband stopped in some parking lot of some business that I have no idea what it was to turn the car around. I had my camera in my hands because the snowy rural landscape full of barns and round bales looked good to me, and I was trying to capture it all, in motion.

But when we pulled into this parking lot, my eyes quickly took in the abandoned VW bug, the snow cover, the spare and bony tree, the farm silos, and the big piles of dirt, and I quickly snapped two photos. There was so much going on here that it is difficult to unpack it!

I don't know what it all means, so if you're looking for a translation here, I haven't got one for you, but it all seemed weirdly interesting. Things are done. The world has gone. It all has ended. We didn't even get Christmas yet, but here we are in the land of some kind of post-apocalyptic rural vision!

My soundtrack song can only be this one: David Bowie, from Labyrinth, As the World Falls Down.

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