Winter Solstice
Today is officially the shortest day of 2022 which means that tomorrow the days will start getting longer. Yay. I really don't like the darkness of winter much although I do find the photographic light interesting. Anyway, today's Titmouse perched on this perfectly curved branch against a plain background - a great "leading lines" image.
We got the unwelcome news today that MIL has Covid - she was tested today and came back positive. I noticed when I was with her yesterday that she was coughing a lot but chalked it up to post=nasal drip from allergies which is fairly common for her. Anyway, she seems to be feeling okay and the facility is taking all precautions to care for her. Hubs was able to see her today (although fully gowned and double masked). We will both be testing for the next 7-10 days and wearing masks so that if either of us gets it, we hopefully don't pass it on to anyone else. And hopefully MIL will continue to have a mild case. Thank goodness we've all been vaxed and triple boosted.
Jax and I had a nice walk this afternoon. The last day of good weather for a while, I'm afraid.
A single dark chocolate truffle today...
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