The solstice and our 39th anniversary of commitment as we called it -

Started at the Cluny and found myself with tears when I walked into those six huge tapestries. They are all that is said of their beauty and unbelievable craftsmanship and artistry. And the amazing chapel ceiling built in 4th - at least that was the beginning- century. Geez!

The others are all my walking all over in mist and rain but not the drenching kind. Along the river east to canal st Martin is park like. I love walking the river. The beauty and you can move!

The food. A breakthrough. I ate lunch alone in a brassiere. I have found this hard. But hunger got me in and voila!

And in the evening a concert at Sainte Chapelle. Mostly choral of young girls and truly lovely. The acoustics perfect. I love their accented Jingle Bells. There was no light of course so the stained glass simply dark.

Another memorable day. Oh. This. The young women at Cluny asked which state I was from and I said “my bad French?” And she said “no no, your smile. The French do not smile.” Well I will never be mistaken for French! :):):)

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