
Back in 2013, the Bible society commissioned a Poll on the views of the British public on Christmas. The poll asked respondents to suggest where Jesus might be born if he were to come to earth today for the first time? It also asked questions around who might be the wise men and what type of gifts they might bring.
The top answer for his birth place was… a garden shed in Yorkshire, with a Holiday Inn  second. Regarding the Wise men,  Prof Brian Cox topped the poll, closely followed by Archbishop Justin Welby and then Sir Trevor MacDonald.. As to gifts, top spot went to.. a chocolate orange, followed by socks with a Playstation third.
The poll set me thinking, how would we respond to Jesus birth if it were actually to happen today? 
If Jesus was to be born today, I think although the nature of his birth would be addressed very differently, the spiritual responses would be very similar to those described in the Gospel accounts.
Regarding the reporting, social media would have a field day with stories of a teenager, having a baby said to be God’s son. The family circle would be doorstepped by Paparazzi for background information on the couple - including the ridiculous claim that Mary was still a virgin.  As he grew up, Jesus claims to be God’s son would be dismissed by the spiritual elite as heretical. Here in this place I call home, we would weigh his every word and use of doctrine to try and determine whether he is one of “us” or one of “them”. Our suspicions would be aroused when he failed to join any one religious group.
Those in authority would rail against his policy statements on social justice which they would attack as being puerile and un-costed. When he began to refer to his royal line, describing his mission in terms of challenging the status quo, they would feel threatened. The danger they saw would accelerate as his following grew exponentially and included many unsavoury characters - ex convicts, the radical left and those on society’s edge. When his followers began to express a desire to make him King, that would be enough for him to be imprisoned on charges of sedition.
But the story would rumble on, his message of love and grace would continue and God’s love would break through - reaching those on the margins with a message of inclusion and love. The truth is that  2000 years on, the message of Christmas remains. God enters our world of pain and suffering when we least expect it, to show how much he loves us. 
God with us. Emmanuel.


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