
By ishaan03

Disheartened & truth

My return was welcomed by abuses hurdled at me by my father. He sat and abused for about an hour. It’s been two nights I have been here and I wake to same kind of abusing and hitting that I used to hear when I did my Masters.

I have now moved to the first floor where my sister is based. Tonight he continued to hit my sleeping mother and spoke utter crap about my sister and my mother. I even have a video recording.

My sister did a tell all to me right now and told me all the things he has been doing to her. He is not even letting her start her business.

My Mum was happy seeing me on the plus side. I gave her a big hug and a kiss. I love my Mum and my sister a lot but at times like right now I do loose it.

So this post is for those in the a despair state like me. Please do call these services if need be. I have used Samaritans a lot especially since December last year when I acknowledged I was in depression and a kind man suggested that I should request for antidepressants from my GP.

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