another abstract of my tree

A headline popped across my screen today:  Happy holidays! A bomb cyclone is heading to the US to ruin Christmas

I woke up to a note from my watch saying we were going to have flurries. We didn't have flurries! The grass was green all day. We had rain. Lots and lots of rain, all day long rain, but snow? ha. 

The person I was going to photograph Baltimore with on Saturday suggested we postpone. I don't mind, it will be freaking cold, but I keep telling him no so I am glad he suggested the postponement. 

Everybody in Montana - I'm so sorry. 

Despite the rain it was a nice day because I packed up and sent off my camera with a bunch of lenses, batteries, and L-brackets to my brother-in-law. I think he is going to be surprised and delighted. I am psyched for him. 

WIth all the sanctions, Russia's airplanes have trouble. They can't replace parts and do maintenance properly. Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov told a Russian business newspaper that the aviation sector will do everything it can to avoid the "total cannibalization" of aircraft for spare parts. In August Reuters reported that Aeroflot was doing just that. 

The US is hitting Russian naval entities with sanctions. 

Russia is pretty wigged out that we're giving Ukraine Patriot missiles. 

For years Russia has been telling everyone it has wonder weapons. This includes a super tank that fixed all the problems we see in its current tanks. They were supposed to have 2000 by 2020. In August 2021 it was announced that they'd have 21 by the end of the year. Now they can't make them due to sanctions. Btw, no one has seen even one on the battlefield. 
One of the weapons was a big scary walking robot like something from Star Wars. No one has seen one of those either. 
There was supposed to be a robot combat vehicle. They tried to use them in Syria, but the remote in remote control didn't work. None of them are in Ukraine. 

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