An interesting holiday

To say the least! J and I ran fevers and were so sick last night. My throat pain was a solid 9 on the 1-10 scale. He did not do a home test but we went to the clinic this morning. I have infected ears and we both have covid and strep. So no communal Christmas at all for us as we can’t get out even with masks till Monday. Mercy! 2 days together in a small room for 2 sick, crochety old people is torture! Especially when we can hear all the fun! :—)
We are better after starting antibiotics. However, Sarah learned today that her mother in Oregon has possibly had a minor stroke. Being an only child and her mothers guardian, this was upsetting. That, and the artic air moving in tonight. They changed their flight plans from Sunday to noon tomorrow. They have gone home with Jessica tonight as she lives 1,5 hours from the airport vs our 3 hour drive. Ice, snow, and 3 days of sub freezing temps may make travel difficult.
However, all in all it was a great visit. Logan had so much fun he didn’t want to leave! A first! At least we could see their smiles at a distance. At least they are still here on this earthly plane. At least we can still hear their laughter and celebrate them. At least we were all in the same house for part of this Holy season. Thank you Jesus.
And, last but not least , J and I can leave the confines of our room! He might survive now! :—)
Be blessed Blip family. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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