Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Two more sleeps to go!

A continuation from yesterday’s ‘dramas’.  The nurse did arrive this morning to change the catheter but it wasn’t easy.  It needed doing yesterday and as a result there was sediment that blocked the bladder (first time), then the bladder went into spasm (second time) and then on the third attempt it just about worked.  It felt like she back tracked from the fact they had left it 36 hours since I first called to saying it was his prostate that caused the problems, yet the last 3 months have been fine!  Poor Mr T bears it so well, but today it was painful for him.  Plus they changed the prescription for the drainage bags a few months back and these are dreadful so I have once again been to adjust it, but it is so poor quality I know it won’t last.

We did get the prescription today but his melatonin has been changed from 2 mg capsules to 4 mg tablets.  He takes 6 mg.  Once again no conversation was had!  I did speak to a very nice chap at the prescription hub who did order more catheters as we now only have one spare, and told me how to get a message to their duty pharmacist on Wednesday. 

It all felt quite stressful today, and Mr T has been very tired and slept a lot today.

After coming down from settling Mr T down I heard the familiar voices.  

“Elf, elf, over here”!

“What now Safety”?

“We need a tree!  It’s only two sleeps until Christmas.  There’s bound to be lots of presents for us as we’ve been really very good.  Maybe mostly very good but we did try our best”.

“Well have you written your letter to Santa”?

“No, have you”?

“Of course”!

“But you didn’t tell me!  Is it too late if I do it tomorrow and maybe leave an extra mince pie and Baileys for Santa”?

“You’ll have to wait and see Safety”.

“Oh Elf you’re very mean not to have reminded me.  I shan’t sleep a wink now until Christmas Day.  Let’s get a tree and go home so I can write my letter.  I’m going to put in how mean you were and so I will get your presents too”!

In other news, you may remember the who ha about the bins a few months back.  Well there’s not a lot of festive spirit going on with said individual who has been complaining about our neighbour parking her car in another neighbour’s drive (with permission) because “all she can see is the car”.  Well she pressed the wrong buttons this week and our neighbour is slightly less diplomatic than me, and gave back with both barrels.  I don’t get why one would move into a small close, and then upset both next door neighbours, plus us at the end of the shared driveway?  I can only assume that she likes conflict or is so unhappy she wants to make others unhappy.  We’ve all rubbed along pretty well over the years, but we are being given the impression that our little close isn’t good enough for her.  Not my words.

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