In Hugo We Trust

Here’s Hugo, our man on the ground in Rio who looks after our apartment attending to the preparation for and welcoming of guests. He sorted out the mess when our previous main support went AWOL. Too long a story to go into.

Hugo was the assistant manager of the hotel we stayed in when we were doing the renovation of our place a decade ago, and one thing has led to another in making us closer. He will officially become our power of attorney next week, just in case he has to do something official when we are not here.

Hugo is holding a ‘bolo’/sponge cake his new wife baked for us and was tearful when we gave him a well deserved bonus for keeping the sinking ship afloat during the pandemic when many bills went unpaid due to the neglect of a previous attorney who suddenly had challenges in her life and caused us problems in renting our place out on Airbnb.

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