We took a bus tour on the east side of Madeira stopping to marvel at the high cliffs and being advised not to walk too far along a seaside track which was very muddy and covered with large stones washed down after the recent heavy rain.  Then we wandered around Santana which is well known for its old triangular houses made of wood and straw, those in the photo are now done up for tourists but we had passed several which were derelict.  Winding steep roads took us to a stop for another short walk in the rain (café stop for most) high up above the fields and trees to the Madeira’s third highest peak (Pico do Areeiro) at 1818 m (5964 feet).  Only four of us braved the 60mph wind to walk up the steps to the top while clinging on to the railings with the spectacular view unfortunately hidden by the mist.   It did not take long then to drive down to Funchal after a good day.

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