
By NightNurse

London moonwalk 2013...

...check! All done in a very chilly 6hrs 20 mins (included 2 loo stops)!

New venue for The Big Pink Tent, pretty congested at the start. The heavens opened at 9pm and it belted down with rain like you wouldn't believe!!! But 10pm it stopped and remained dry all night with the most gloriously sunny morning!

I am so proud of our team, Jen and Lin walking for the first time (Lin is 55!!) it is a real baptism of fire, wandering around the streets of London in a decorated bra!! It was a bit chilly it has to be said...but that bit of torture is nothing compared to having breast cancer and going through mastectomy with chemo and radiotherapy!

My London moonwalk this year is dedicated to my mate Mandy who has just finished chemo following a bilateral mastectomy and awaiting radiotherapy for this vile cancer!!

Onward to Edinbra in 4 weeks time and another bra to bore you all with, not forgetting my medal! ;-) x

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