Snowflake Biscuit

I had hoped that I would be able to take today off, but it wasn’t to be as too many people were already off and there wasn’t enough cover.  I also had a piece of work that needed to be moved on, so it was just as well as I was working.  All in all it was a very busy day, but I did seem to get through quite a lot of stuff, including a mandatory training course, that I have been putting off and putting off.  It’s done now and I got 96%.  Hurrah!!
I was really pleased to eventually log off this evening and to put my out of office on.  What a relief.  I am still struggling with my cold and just need time to recuperate from it, and to re-find the energy that covid has drained from me.
He may be a grumpy teenager at times, but he still loves a Christmas biscuit.

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