A day in the life

By Shelling

Day after

My walk today certainly had the feel of a day-after experience, I didn't meet, or see  a living person. The cows were alright so there hasn't been any major diseases around while I was sleeping. Probably it's only Christmas-day-syndrome, everybody is wiped out after yesterday outburst, built up during weeks of preparations. The weather was certainly not inviting either.

This is a rather typical farm-house-from-the-backside picture. This farm is rather big, for Öland and has undergone many, many changes. The two, small grey houses are probably as old as the farm, only they have been plastered during modern times. Underneath, they are most certainly made of limestone slabs put on top of each other, with clay in between and maybe a turf roof. The big, red steel-plate house to the right is built during the seventies or eighties I guess, to keep all agricultural machinery in. The red wooden barn to the left is older. Hard to say, probably during the early nineteen hundreds. You can't see the manor house, that's always along the road, unless it's a square-built farm, which this isn't. The white house looks like an old pig-house but I don't think there are animals left on the farm, I haven't seen any. To the left of it, in front of the huge barn is the round manure storage. Many of them are empty these days when the animals has been sold. Sometimes they are taken down. Old and new in one picture. I have no idea about the people living there or what they make their living from. If I find out, there will be a report about it. 

Happy Christmas day everyone and thank you for commenting on my milestone-blip yesterday, I wasn't aware of it coming.

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