Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Big ideas!

Thanks for all of the Christmas greetings, we've had a lovely day, and once dinner was over I relaxed.
I headed out to our morning service where Brother Joe was the celebrant. I was on serving, reading and chalice duties, which was rather Iovely on Christmas Day.
Up north m in l was being given her card (no longer a telegram) from the King at her local church service. We're heading up later this week for the family 100th birthday celebrations.
We had nine for lunch today, which we had at 3.15. That meant we missed the Kings Speech I'm afraid. I'll maybe catch up on it tomorrow.
We played lots of games with the girls this afternoon, at one point Isobel asked to try on my niece's shoes and teetered remarkably confidently, through to the sitting room. We later discovered they were Jimmy Choos. I don't think I've ever seen a pair before let alone seen them abused by a 6 year old with big ideas!
We didn't make it so far as the Christmas pudding, mince pies or Christmas cake today, they'll be for tomorrow when Ali and family are here. There'll be 11 of us here then as J has to work. More presents and turkey sandwiches are the order of the day! I'm looking forward to seeing them all.
I hope you all had a safe, happy and peaceful Christmas, once again, thank you for your good wishes and the blip friendships.

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