
By NancyDrew

Mini to Youth

Today The Boy got his club tie x Next season his lot will be Youths as opposed to Minis x Big step for them all really x

There were fun games and bouncy castles today, most of which turned into total chaos x This was followed by an awards ceremony, with a beer (or two) at the bar for all the Mummies and Daddies, yay us!! x

Slight panic when we initially turned up as Man had got his dates in a muddle (very unlike him) so we didn't have the prerequisite white shirt, black trousers and shoes for the ceremony....... quick dash to Tesco saw the boy fully kitted out for under £15, crisis averted x Shirt was slightly creased being fresh from the packet, but he didn't seem to mind :) x

Back to work tomorrow :( x although only a 4 day week for me :) x

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