A morning of making spicy tomato soup and roasting the pork was followed by a spot of gardening. Cosmos were potted on and stocks separated and planted. Fingers crossed for some warm sun to bring them on.
Beneath heavy skies we set off for a bimble up the hill before tea armed with a trusty bottle of vino for sustenance when we reached the top!
Inspired by Trisha's fab shots of Breagha, I was attempting to lure the lazy lurcher next to a clump of daffs when my attention was caught by this butterfly/moth....it has been a while since I have seen any pretties like this. Come to think of it I haven't even seen a ladybird yet this year. The lurcher did eventually oblige but refused to look cute so this is your lot!
Time to put the feet up for the evening and enjoy the last hours of the weekend. Hope your weekend has been good too x
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