
A lovely Christmas day.

CyclopsJnr was very good in the morning and didn't wake his parents until 8am.  His got his stocking from Santa first thing, then his present from Santa after breakfast (filled Croissants).  Santa got him a pile of Pokemon cards with a new folder and some other Pokemon themed things.  He was Delighted.

Later his Uncles popped in for a bit (with more presents - including a giant lego and a programmable robot!) and we got a lovely family photo.  
We had a light lunch of cold meat, a bit of a walk in the rain, then he got his presents from his parents.  This included some accessories for his Scalextric (a lap counter that crashes the loser off the track) and loads of books, and a new tablet that is powerful enough to play Minecraft!

We had a lovely Christmas Dinner by which time he was exhausted and very happy to go to bed!

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