Mariënburg Castle, Pattensen, GERMANY

One of my dream castles!  And the dream came true today!
Best of all, AW enjoyed it together with me.

A lazy day, actually.  We had our usual late breakfast, and then back to the room to relax, but also to wait and see if the weather would change -- it did!  Not entirely sunny, but bright enough.

Mariënburg Castle has its own website, and if you look it up you'll find out that it also hosts weddings and anniversaries.  That doesn't amaze me at all.  Many of the rooms were decked out in holiday mode, but that didn't ruin the atmosphere.  When the royal family of Hannover were still living here in the 1860s, I'm sure the rooms were decorated as well at this time of the year.  The entire interior can be explored.

I was particularly happy that the sky was bright enough for really good outdoor shots.  Some extras.  The hill is only about 23 km. away from Hannover, so we had a lot of time to go there, spend a couple of hours, and then drive back long before sunset.

The day was capped with a steak dinner at Block House.  I'd already tried this restaurant in Lübeck in 2020, so I knew it was going to be fabulous.  Tomorrow, we will most likely go to another place again and then try another restaurant in town when we return.  In the meantime, AW's cough has all but gone.

Thanks for dropping by!

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