Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Boxing Day

Lots of folks out walking today in very mild temperatures.   
As we did yesterday too, we ran into a friend we hadn’t seen in ages to have a fine chat…I do wish I had had the presence of mind to take a photo, tho.      So you get another “Elephant on Eastlake”….I made a few wee calendars of such as gifts this year that we were talking about today on a holiday zoom to H’s brother and sil…… guess I’ll add to the collection.

Woke up to upsetting news today about friend/blipper Mike in Paris..with a broken hip on Christmas day! 
 :-(   ( She’s being well taken care of and will be home in about a week or so, not the way she wanted to spend this was going so well..…)  Send your good thoughts!

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