The Calm After the Storm

... and oh yes, Christmas too!

Boxing day started out as a calm, quiet, laid-back day with Maggie and me in our usual spots in the pre-dawn...basking in the light of the Christmas on the sofa, Maggie in her window seat. We will really miss the coziness of those tree lights.... I keep wondering how long I can get away with not taking the tree down...hmmm

It was a quiet morning of reading and then a phone call came mid-afternoon. My friend Noreen, the hostess with the disappearing guests,(Covid and/or the flu having taken away every last one, including her own house guest who got very ill) called to ask if I would like a turkey dinner delivered to my door!  She had all the makings of the Christmas dinner party that she had planned and then had to cancel, but you can't cancel everything - especially a turkey; it needed cooking, and right away; so that is how she spent her Boxing day - cooking the turkey and all the trimmings - which even her house guest was now not well enough to eat! She is a determined woman - she was not going to let all that go to waste, so she cooked and cooked and packed up complete meals, hopped in her car and delivered one to each of her missing guests! Picture that! And along with the dinner came chocolate treats which, whilst I write, are quickly disappearing...

What a Christmas it has been. - certainly one we will all remember - especially the storm from hell...At least our little dinner party fiasco will provide much entertainment for us in the telling for years to come, but for others caught in that Christmas storm, especially across the lake in Buffalo NY, it is no laughing matter; it has been an absolutely horrific Christmas for them..and it is not over yet...while our storm has passed, theirs is continuing even today...

It will be good to see the last of 2022..Here's hoping that the new year will be better...

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