Happy Yule Tide

Actually didn't take too many photos today which is always the sign of a good fun filled day for me. 
A very lovely day, slow and leisurely. Jennie and Adam were here from yesterday so we had 4 for Christmas foods which worked well. However the day did have a not so leisurely beginning and end! Jennie fell down the stairs around 9.30 and being 8 months pregnant this caused some worry!!!!! She was fine and baby did his usual jigging about throughout the day so we sort of forgot about that. And then Freckle was sick quite a few times at the end of the day - brought back all his food and had a couple of biley sicks later on. He was his usual self however, bright, playful, inquisitive. So we didn't worry too much. 
Absolutely knackered by 5.30 although managed to stay up till 11! 

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