Days Well Spent

The pups and I had a pleasant evening. They finally settled down for their long winter’s nap around midnight. We all ambled out of bed way past breakfast time. Hubby came up and put a reinforcing board on the door to Charlie’s cage. He has chewed way too much of the door frame. It is really a lovely piece of furniture. My daughter is trying to find a new door for it. Trevor came to sit with the big dogs around 11:00 am. I headed to Kim’s to stay with Trek and Shadow while the family is in Virginia for Christmas with her in-laws. The three of us slept most of the day, getting up for meals or to go out. I should be totally refreshed to drive home later tonight. Diesel and Trek are certainly showing their age. Both hobble in and out the door. They are such sweet, loving doggies. On an upside, we think Millie was just under the weather with a kitty “bug.” She is able to go up and down stairs, our bed and her kitty tree again. She is eating and drinking normally again. She is still a bit slow though. And that was it for the day. If you look back at my 30 May blip, you can see how much Charlie has grown and he’s still a puppy. He is a very affectionate pet. Trevor and I will share the watch until 29 Dec then I will just stay all day/night until Kris and her family return home. I should be able to keep up with Blip journals and get in some fine Kindle time. Thanks for dropping by. Hubby will come up to visit as his time permits. Stay safe. "Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really." — Agnes Sligh Turnbull

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