Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


....working its way out of our back fence.  Soon it will be a knothole!  This was as far as I got on my walk outside. ;-)  Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting Tiny Tuesdays in December!

No swelling this morning and I felt pretty well, so I went to the pool.  It was our Tuesday instructor's last day, and I wanted to say goodbye.  I did the whole workout, but gently. 

I've turned off my comments for a few days.  I want to give myself a chance to put away Christmas decorations and catch up on admin - and catch up with everyone on Blip, even if only sprinkling stars.  I'll turn them back on this weekend in time for the New Year. :-)

I am grateful to be feeling better today and not being swollen!

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