A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

Boxing Day 2!

An extra Boxing Day, and spent a good few hours at Erddig National Trust meeting up with a very good friend who lives in Yorkshire now. Also catching up with her two very good dogs. Today's weather was the complete opposite of yesterday. Dull and drizzly, but off we set to do some serious catching up and dog walking. After a couple of hours decided it was time for hot drinks and snacks. Limited as dogs aren't allowed in the cafe/restaurant and my lovely friend is dairy intolerant. So nothing to eat, but we did get hot drinks. Set off again for more walking but the drizzly rain took a turn for the worse and it was a lot colder. Headed back to the cars and as Rhi had to go home for family time we said our goodbyes and she headed home. I went back to the NT shop for some sale bargains and thought about a late lunch. Fortunately managed to blag a table next to a heater. Honey roast spicy swede soup with cheese scone was ordered along with a hot chocolate. Delicious and very welcome. Off home and looking forward to a lovely hot shower but alas! Got home to find the water was off thanks to a burst watermain. Expected to be back on by late afternoon. Actually back 9.15pm but very discoloured. Fortunately husband had filled a few recepticles with water so we could have a cuppa. 
Blip is of the yard at Erddig, with its backdrop of gorgeous brick buildings and walls and christmas decorations. Spotted this very tame Robin hopping up and down the wall. All very festive, shame bout the rain. 

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