
By JackyMT

Big Light on Big Light off

It looks so different when the room lights are off.
My lazy day Monday gave me a boost, after dog walk, I cleaned up vacuumed all round downstairs, did numerous little jobs, then after lunch did a bit of painting to get that darn dog portrait right, nearly there.
It's rained on and off today, Tuesday, I have a few spring bulbs to plant in pots in the greenhouse so must get them done as soon as I get this painting finished. Some of the mini daffys are peeping through in the window box, hope we don't have a hard frost, though they are sheltered.
Shopping tomorrow, Wednesday, though I don't need much thank goodness just milk and a few bits. We call on the way home from taking Tanzy her walk.
It's funny how some things happen and you feel you may never know the answer. On one of our walks 3 times a week, we pass a house which stands on it's own away from others. There are two lovely dogs usually in the yard they are Douge de bordeaux's and the owner has built them a huge outside kennel/house. Paula always gives them a dog treat, with the owners permission of course. But suddenly one day about 3 weeks ago one of the dogs, Hugo, wasn't there, only Max who was a rescue dog, and previously badly treated and now has problems with walking and co-ordination.  Max was there the next time we passed, then no Max, the big kennel was gone, the yard free of dog water dishes, one of the cars pulled in the yard and the other car never there now. No sign of life in the house.  Where are the dogs, it would appear they have gone and so has the owner. We may never know.

Posting this Wednesday as once again lost connection last night.

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