Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Tim finds the 70s rather hard going

This was taken after midnight on our 70s evening. Tim had dissapeared from the dinner table. We assumed he had nipped to the loo but when he failed to return within a few minutes I went to investigate and found him dozing in the lounge. I think the strain of making a cheesecake and trifle for desert was too much for him.

And if it is not obvious to anyone, Tim is dressed as Carter from the Sweeney (or so he says - I wouldn't have a clue).

Rachel's birthday today so we all hit her place for dinner. Simon was swimming in a gala and had a little mishap, dislocating his shoulder when he hit the wall too hard at the end of the race. It took 3 attempts at A&E to put his arm back and they only gave him gas and air. Unsurprisingly he screamed loudly - must have been agony.

Looking on the bright side:

~ He did get a personal best
~ He is being waited on hand and foot
~ He has a good excuse not to work for 6 weeks (bad news for mum & dad who will have to sub him)
~ He will be better in time for Glastonury which is 7 weeks away

Had a Skype call from Luke today. He wanted to wish his mum a happy mothers day. He's only 2 months late but as they say, better late than never! To be fair to him, it is mothers day in China and I believe in other parts of the world so he is not totally misguided.

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