
By conventgirl

Dont try this at home!

I have just suffered the most hysterical 1/2 hour of my life.
Mr CG needed a photo for his website.

Before I go any futher there are 2 things you should know. 1) he has more than a passing resemblance to Mr Bean (which is funny in itself) 2) I'm a giggler, especially after a glass of gin.

So, he comes down after his bath wearing pyjama bottoms and shirt, tie suit jacket on his top half. That set me off with the giggles. But I thought it would be good practice for portrait photography so I tried to get serious. That made the giggles worse. He started doing funny poses. That made the giggles worse. I coudn't focus the camera properly. That made the giggles worse. I couldn't breathe. That made the giggles worse.

You get the jist!

I didn't really get a good photo so we'll have to try again tomorrow. This photo is exactly as it came out of the camera.

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