…………………………….with the old!
Little one got a second wind last night after eating a whole pizza for his tea…more food than he’s had in a week of late! We both headed for bed at 8.30 and were probably asleep by 9 after I ignored his pleas to turn the light back on! It was 8.30am when he discovered the dark had gone…a very much needed around the clock for both of us.
MC came round for him mid morning and pinched the car to go food shopping. I was still in my PJs at this point but managed to sort out a problem with my new piece of furniture via online chat. After some procrastination I dressed before giving the sitting room a thorough hoovering…under the sofa was a mix of crisps, raisins and general dust, most of which was attributable to the little one! My blip was taken after I’d moved the sofa to the middle of the room (and after I’d hoovered), then I fartknarkled with it in Snapseed. Not sure whether that’s a happy or menacing face though!
The recycling then had to be done as it’s bin day tomorrow, I did manage to get rid of a proportion of the cardboard mountain in my hallway but I still have a large box full. I was going to head out for a walk but it started raining so ended up clearing out the fridge instead. So most of the old has been cleared out ready to make way for some new over the weekend! A bowl of soup and some Vienetta for tea, tasted very nice after the riches of Christmas!
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.
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