
Left Palma with a heavy heart. The wee fella is at that fun interesting stage where every day is a new discovery.  He's come on so much that we will both miss him.
At Manchester airport  i had to use the electronic scanner  but it didn't like me so I got sent to this nervous young naval cadet standing in for the stricking customer officer s.
I stood in the que next to some woman who was berating the officer/ cadet!! About the UK shooting itself in the foot with brexit. I tended to agree with her. After scanning both our passports he handed her both passports saying pass this one to your mother!! She almost had a blue fit! I wasn't best chuffed either as this wifey was well in her 50s making me in me even older!
Shes not my bloody mother said she handing me my passport  in fact she's no relation at all. Then why is she with you quoth the soon to be sacked naval rating. I thought you wanted my passport said I innocently  and sweetly.
Ach it doesn't matter and he waved us through. 
Back in Glasgow for the night then home tomorrow  hopefully. 

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