Christmas at the Botanics

It took us until the last moment to book this year's visit to the Light Extravaganza of Christmas at the Botanics but there were plenty of spaces available and we chose 6.30pm on a day otherwise unallocated - no choir practice tonight meant we were free.

The route round the garden was reversed this year, the popular Cathedral of Light coming second after a laser tree and we wound our way round trying to work out just where we were. At the top of the hill we could see the floodlit Edinburgh skyline and, above, a starry sky.

My favourite display is this, the Water Lilies, making the best use of the pond for perfect reflections. I took several photos of the different colour patterns as they changed but prefer this one. A couple of ducks wandered past, causing interesting ripples but, sadly, not in the areas lit. On the whole, though, we felt the displays a little less interesting than last year. Also, the earlier time meant it was busier, with more small children we were constantly watching our feet. Extra photo of some of the other displays.

I was pleased to note an improvement in the  snack vans, however we by-passed the churros but finally succumbed to fries - the portions so large that I brought half home for tomorrow.

And I have to credit all the stewards that we spoke to, who were pleasant and friendly after what has been for them a long period of standing about watching others enjoy their visit.

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