Up and over…
Théa loves the climbing frame. And the climb is usually accompanied with happy humming. This evening the frame has gone home with the family, all toys ready to go back into the loft and all is quiet again here. We shall miss them.
A super brunch out this morning and then a walk around Keston Ponds. Esmée wore her wellies and her Frozen dress; an interesting combination.
A wonderful two days. Exhausting but a privilege to have the family staying with us. Many gratefuls.
Big Sis has had a quiet day on her own today having said her goodbyes to my nephew, his wife and Anna yesterday. Michael treated his family to a stay in a very nice London hotel last night before their gruelling fourteen hour flight back to Japan in the morning. Tonight they’re in a hotel in Heathrow. Theirs has been a very memorable Christmas.
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