
By pipnat51


Surprisingly we have two male robins visiting the garden and of course they do squabble about territorial rights. I think one must be more dominant than the other but it doesn't stop the other one coming back all the time.

They chase all the other small birds away when they can but don't mix it with the starlings, jackdaws, blackbirds, or anything bigger than themselves. There's most definitely a pecking order.

It's been quite grey here this morning with some rain and windy at times. The sun is trying so hard to pop out but losing it's battle so far.

Household jobs being done but hopefully I can get out later for a walk with the camera. We'll just have to wait and see..

I hope that you all have a nice weekend and intend to see the New Year in tomorrow. I hope I can too although I'm at work at 6 in the morning so will be up at 4.45 and could be zonked by midnight!

Take care everyone and as always many, many thanks for the stars and comments. x

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